Types of Biostimulants

Types of Biostimulants

Plant bio stimulant means a material which contains substance(s) and/or microorganisms whose function when applied to plants or the rhizosphere is to stimulate natural processes to benefit nutrient uptake, nutrient efficiency, tolerance to abiotic stress, and/or crop quality, independently of its nutrient content.

Acid-Based Biostimulants

Humic substances, which include humic and fulvic acids, are among the most common organic substances on earth, making up much of the organic matter in the world’s soils. Humic and fulvic acids are complex organic molecules of diverse structure and composition that form in the soil as byproducts of the decomposition and microbial metabolism of plant and animal residues.  Most biostimulant effects of humic substances refer to the amelioration of root nutrition, via different mechanisms. They can be applied in various ways, including direct application to the soil, foliar application, incorporation into fertilizer and other products, and through irrigation water.

Amino acid products (along with other protein-derived biostimulants, based on peptides or protein hydrolysates) can be derived from the chemical or enzymatic hydrolysis of animal, plant, or microbial protein. benefits, include improved soil fertility, better plant health and vigor, enhanced crop yields and quality, and improved stress tolerance.

Microbial Biostimulants

Consists mainly of Beneficial fungi and bacteriaMicrobial products have been shown to enhance plant growth through various direct and indirect mechanisms; and to help with nutrient availability and uptake, improving soil condition, helping plants tolerate abiotic stress, and enhancing overall crop quality attributes.

Inorganic compounds

Chemical elements that promote plant growth and may be essential to particular taxa but are not required by all plants are called beneficial elements. The five main beneficial elements are Al, Co, Na, Se and Si, present in soils and in plants as different inorganic salts. These beneficial functions can be constitutive, like the strengthening of cell walls by silica deposits, or expressed in defined environmental conditions, like pathogen attack for selenium and osmotic stress for sodium.

Seaweed and Plant Extracts


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